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English Language Learners/Aprendices de Inglés

ELD Teachers

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ELD Teachers

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The program for English Learners is designed to ensure that students receive the systematic instruction in English needed to reach full academic proficiency in English as rapidly as possible. English Learners are also provided a full spectrum of courses that meet graduation requirements and prepare students for post-secondary educational opportunities. English Learners (ELs) entering the Sequoia Union High School District from elementary school districts are registered through the same process as all students.

All English Learners are placed in an appropriate English course based on their previous scores on the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).

In addition, recently-immigrated students score with an Initial ELPAC score at the "Novice EL" or "Intermediate EL"  levels  are placed in two courses (English Language Arts (ELA) & English Language Development (ELD) in order to accelerate English acquisition. (Students scoring at "Intermediate EL" with an Initial-ELPAC Written-Language score "Fully Developed" may be placed in the general program). Through each semester of ELA, students earn 5 credits of English credit toward graduation, and through, ELD, students earn 5 elective credits each semester. As noted above, English Learners whose Initial ELPAC score is at "Intermediate EL" but who score "Fully Developed" on the Written-Language subtest may be placed in general program English courses taught with instruction informed by the teacher's Constructing Meaning training. All students earn 5 English credits per semester through their English classes.

As with all 9th & 10th graders in the general program, ELs in the general program who qualify, will have a support class for English.

All EL students have advocates in the Bilingual Resource Teacher (Mr. Ready x50143), located in the front office, and the Parent Coordinator (Lilly Quinonez x50255) in room B-20. Mr. Ready and Ms. Quiñonez work directly with students and families to help resolve any challenges that arise during the year. If there are any questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please find one or both to support you in resolving your difficulties.