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M-A Individual Shadowing

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M-A Individual Shadowing

The objective of our shadowing program is to offer students an opportunity to experience a typical day on campus while shadowing a Menlo-Atherton freshman. These one-to-one sessions are designed for students who are exploring their high school options.  Students who know they are going to be an M-A Bear should attend other Get to Know M-A events like 8th Grade Information Night, 8th-grade tours in the spring semester, and 8th Grade Course Selection Night.  

Students who are gathering information about their high school choice are encouraged to shadow.  Shadowing takes place on typical Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from October through January.  Visits will start on the first Monday in October.   Appointments will be booked through the link below.  Shadowing is very popular and appointments fill fast, so sign up early to reserve your spot. Available dates are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please Note:  There is always a great demand for our shadowing program. 
  • Please only sign up for a single visit date for your student.  
  • Please do not block dates for others.  
  • Sign-ups should be completed with a parent, guardian, or teacher.  
  • If your plans change, please cancel your spot so another family may sign up.    
We know that plans change, students get ill, or an exam or field trip may pop onto an 8th grader’s calendar.  We are asking for families to please cancel any shadow appointments they can not make.  The weeks before your scheduled visit, you will receive confirmation emails from M-A shadowing.  If you are unable to attend, please cancel your shadowing date.  By canceling, another family can fill the slot.  Please help us reduce our number of no-shows and fill those very desirable shadowing slots. If a shadow is a no-show, we will not be able to offer another shadowing date.  Students can participate in other Get To Know M-A Events.  
Shadowing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Shadowing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I schedule a Shadow visit?
To book an appointment, please use the Sign-up Genius link above.   Appointments must be made at least one week prior to your planned visit so we can arrange for a host.  
Can a transfer student sign-up for shadowing?
Our shadowing program is for 8th graders who want to see a typical day in high school. We offer transfer students a visit day through our leadership program. Transfer visit days offer students already in high school the opportunity to visit M-A.  Transfer visit days take place on Fridays. High schoolers arrive at 10:30 and attend 3rd through 6th period with one of our leadership students. They have lunch on campus and take a private school tour with their host. To schedule a transfer student visit day, please email Mike Amoroso, our Student Activities Director and Leadership teacher.
What do I need to do to sign up?
You will provide your student’s name and parent contact information, his/her middle school, and any requests. Once you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email and reminder emails before your appointment. Please reply to the emails if there are any changes so we can contact families on the waitlist.  Sign-ups should be completed by parents or guardians or school officials. Students should not sign-up and block spots for their friends. Each shadow’s contact information should be unique and provide contact information for their parent. If you need help signing up or need assistance in Spanish, please call our Parent Coordinator Maddie Reyes at 322-5311 ext. 50255.
When will Shadowing occur?
Shadowing takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from October to February.  Shadowing is done on regular days so visitors can see a typical day at M-A and attend all classes. See the Sign-up Genius link for specific dates. Some dates may be blocked due to special school schedules and testing.
Who will be the shadow’s host?
Shadows will be paired with a current freshman. The goal is shadows see a typical day in high school.  The Shadow will go to the classes and any lunchtime club meetings or activities that the host has scheduled for the day. 
Is it possible to shadow with a specific student?
Yes.  We encourage you to request a friend as your host.  Shadows may request specific students to serve as the host when they sign-up.  Please keep in mind that all of our Shadow hosts must be current 9th graders who have volunteered for the program and completed the sign up to be a host.  Each host is responsible for only one guest at a time, so if they have already been paired with a visitor, we will definitely find another host.  We will always do our best to meet your request, but cannot make any promises.
What time do Shadows need to arrive and be picked up and where do they meet?
Shadows must sign in at the M-A Library by 8:20 and meet their shadow.  The Administration Office in front of the school can help direct families to the library.  They will receive a welcome packet, which includes a copy of the host’s schedule and a visitor pass for the day. Hosts will greet their Shadow in the library around 8:20. First period starts at 8:30.  Shadows will be brought back to the Administration Office at the end of the day.  Shadows should be picked up contingent on their shadow host schedule,  2:50 p.m. (end of 6th period) or 3:45 (end of 7th period)  in front of the school.  
Please make your plan for an on-time arrival.  There is a great deal of traffic as students are coming to school.  Students need to be in class prior to the bell ringing at 8:30.  There are many moving pieces as we match shadows with their hosts in the library.  Hosts may need to be shifted.  We appreciate your understanding and flexibility.  
What should a Shadow bring with him/her? Do Shadows need a lunch?
The Shadow should bring a book to read or a quiet activity in the event that the host has a test or quiz.  The Shadow should also bring their lunch.  Shadows may bring their electronic device but please note they are not permitted in class. 
What happens if I need to cancel? 
We understand that schedule change.  We have added a wait list to help reduce our number of no shows.  Families will receive confirmation emails before their scheduled visit.  Please respond to the email if there has been any changes to your plans. If a shadow is a no-show without reaching out to us, we will not be able to schedule another shadow visit for that student until the second semester in January.  Our program fills up each year and we can not ensure there will be appointments available to reschedule.  
May I schedule a second visit?
Each year Menlo-Atherton hosts many potential students.  In order to let every prospective Bear experience a day at Menlo-Atherton, we only allow one shadow visit.  Please sign up for only one appointment.  We will contact you if there are multiple sign-ups to confirm your first-choice date.
I am a current M-A 9th grader, how do I volunteer to be a host? 
Ms. Breen, the shadowing coordinator, visits 9th grade English classes in September to explain the program and have students sign-up to be a host.  Students can also volunteer to be a host by visiting Ms. Breen in G-20 to sign-up.  

When is the deadline to apply for Open Enrollment?
Open enrollment is from October through the first of February.  Open enrollment and intra-district transfers are handled through the Sequoia Union High School District offices.  Please refer to their website for more details and information.  For more information, parents may call the Sequoia Union High School District office at (650) 369-1411.
What are the covid protocols?  
Please see our district website for the current covid protocols. 
If I still have questions, whom should I contact?
If you need to make a last-minute change or cancel your shadowing date, please call our shadowing assistant, at 322-5311 ext. 50113.   If you need help signing up or need assistance in Spanish, please call our Parent Coordinator Maddie Reyes at 322-5311 ext. 50255.  If you would like to arrange a visit for a transfer student, (a student who is already enrolled in high school) please email our Leadership teacher Mike Amoroso.  For assistance please email our Shadowing Coordinator Michele Breen.  Please note that Ms. Breen is a full-time Math teacher, so she will respond after her teaching day.